With the growing population has come some inevitable frictions, both in school and outside.
Almost every college community bears scorch marks from the inevitable friction between town and gown, but Durham has a particularly bad case.
So much had depended on the inevitable friction between Russian and American commanders.
But shock turned to outright anger, and soon the inevitable friction that arises when large numbers of people are abruptly thrown together began to show.
In that context, the current protectionist sparring can be seen also as the inevitable friction of an adjustment process to an ever closer relationship.
"Despite some inevitable frictions, our partnership is an active one," he said.
There was inevitable friction between the mathematicians and the engineers.
Settlement along the border was creating inevitable friction between settlers representing each colony.
It is a purely commercial arrangement with the inevitable underlying frictions.
Or to simply understand what the ancient Clausewitz had called the inevitable "friction of war."