To guard against an almost inevitable lawsuit from school districts challenging this plan, the Governor insisted on inserting a "poison pill" into the bill.
Not to mention 13-year-old Black and Decker Black's inevitable lawsuit against his parents.
And the public impression of the battle may also have a subtle influence in terms of the inevitable lawsuits that accompany a hostile takeover.
I can't wait to see them eat crow in the inevitable lawsuit.
He said that completing an environmental impact study could take at least three years, and fighting the inevitable lawsuits would take another year.
The inevitable lawsuit, filed by three preservation groups and five individuals, aims to stop the sale.
One company, however, must take charge after a crash, helping to lead an airline's defense against the inevitable lawsuits.
Anybody who wants to do that has to send out his own ballots, face inevitable lawsuits filed by the company, and spend large sums of money.
According to sources, the cars were ordered held out of service as evidence for the trials, appeals, and inevitable lawsuits.
The inevitable lawsuit, Mr. Gildin said, will be filed in the Bronx.