Academics are divided as to whether the Tongzhi Restoration arrested the dynastic decline, or merely delayed its inevitable occurrence.
Next comes the seemingly inevitable occurrence of dissatisfaction (Stage 2), as working together turns out to be more difficult than anticipated.
To paraphrase that aphorism that is another favorite of adolescents: we are all of us subject to the inevitable occurrence of the excretal expletive.
Because general relativity predicts the inevitable occurrence of singularities, the theory is not complete without a specification for what happens to matter that hits the singularity.
ACCIDENT, n. An inevitable occurrence due to the action of immutable natural laws.
Functionalists argue it was essentially an inevitable occurrence, citing that it was a collapsing civil society and a government elite that was unable to reform itself.
A key concept is path dependency: the historical track of a given institution or polity will result in almost inevitable occurrences.
He looked at it quite philosophically, seeing poaching as an irritant but also as an inevitable occurrence; in headhunting, all's fair in love and war.
Isn't it strange that we are taught about many things which may never come to pass and yet most of us are not prepared for the one inevitable occurrence in our lives?
We must not remain inactive again, and the European Union must not wait for the inevitable occurrence of another disaster in a Member State before returning to this question.