I don't have much negativity to share here, outside of the fact it's going to be a long wait for the (hopefully) inevitable sequel.
The inevitable sequel to lunching and dining at Oxbridge seemed, unfortunately, to be a visit to the British Museum.
You don't care about the poor Mayans unless you've read "1491" and its inevitable sequel, "1243."
And later, work will commence on the inevitable sequel to the movie.
And last week, the inevitable first sequel to "Summer" opened.
Nevertheless, for children, it will pass the time, and parents may wish to combat boredom by thinking of possible subtitles for the inevitable third sequel.
It is held by others, however, that a large part of the relative decline was the inevitable sequel of having been a pioneer in industrialization.
I hope that the inevitable sequel maintains this admirable balance.
An editorial described the crash as an "inevitable sequel" to an "orgy of speculation."
Now it's time for the inevitable sequel, Season Two.