The principal deals with gang leaders, rapists and bad eggs of all races, until the inevitable showdown.
The long, slow buildup to the inevitable showdown keeps the reader turning the pages.
It's really one long, drawn-out, increasingly tense, increasingly violent, and heading to the inevitable showdown next week.
The inevitable showdown came the next year.
This all leads to the inevitable showdown where Kidstuff uses his kung fu skills to fight the ghost's killers.
And so it's on to the Bourbon Bowl and the inevitable showdown with Bobby's old team.
Turner carries off the inevitable showdown with grim efficiency, but it's his historian's eye that makes this book special.
Both sides realized the inevitable final showdown and prepared accordingly.
The inevitable showdown came in the fall of 1925 and in February of the following year.
Anti-Semitism, however, becomes the issue that hurtles teacher and student toward their inevitable showdown.