Bog emplayed no skill, just inexhaustible power.
Imagine it, Helva, unlimited power, literally inexhaustible power, to take you to the edge of the galaxies visible from the rim of the Milky Way.
The Tao is understood to have inexhaustible power, yet that power is simply another aspect of its weakness.
Modern recycling of spent nuclear fuel makes nuclear power sustainable and essentially inexhaustible, minimizes the risks of nuclear weapons proliferation and operates without contributing to climate change.
Oleg Maluta no longer seemed seven feet tall, filled with an inexhaustible power, possessed of an endlessly clever mind that could trap her at every turn.
They are operated by inexhaustible atomic power, and generate an absolute barrier to all three-dimensional matter.
Pāyu tattva is the medium of Kundalini and the sexual energy (ojas) - a regenerative, almost inexhaustible power that lies at the lower part of the trunk.
His nobility needs the assurance of this inexhaustible reserved power.
As a plant upon the earth, so a man rests upon the bosom of God; he is nourished by unfailing fountains, and draws, at his need, inexhaustible power.
The vedic scriptures of the Hindu religion refer to the Sun as the store house of inexhaustible power and radiance.