He knew well the ruthless and inexhaustible resources of our scientific civilization.
He commanded enough power to establish it since die inexhaustible resources of the Arkonides were at his disposal.
By comparison, the Allies seemed to have inexhaustible resources.
They were a resource inexhaustible in their variety but demanding in their love.
The issue of adjudicating these inexhaustible intellectual resources and the original solutions that result will probably prove quite complicated.
"White gold", as it is called, provides for an inexhaustible natural resource which can thus be extracted without endangering the environment.
His or her willingness to do so isn't an inexhaustible resource.
Ants are a virtually inexhaustible resource, she can always breed new ones to take the place of the ones that got eaten.
In competitive terms, China has an almost inexhaustible resource in the form of cheap labour.
They come to soak up art as a metaphor for the mind's inexhaustible resources.