It is a considerable advantage to a man to have so inexhaustible a subject.
Yet as this exhibition demonstrates, he remains an inexhaustible subject.
Love, then, is his most persistent theme and it has been for him an inexhaustible subject.
(All ages) The quantification of love is an inexhaustible subject.
It is a small book with a large reach that takes up an inexhaustible subject, what the author calls "the bottomless mystery of suffering."
It was what he termed "an inexhaustible subject" that had always fascinated him.
The Titanic being the inexhaustible subject that it is, everything in this auction has a story.
Of course the gods, as usual, provided an inexhaustible subject of conversation.
Here consequently was an inexhaustible subject of discourse.
To a psychoanalyst, a woman pilot, particularly a married one with children, must prove an interesting as well as an inexhaustible subject.