It was as if this new, purely physical intimacy had split that cell, beginning some ancient, inexorable process of division.
This Western influence adds a progressive element to the inexorable process of change, a concept which is absent in Oriental thought.
To the Rowan, caught by the inexorable process of birthing, the struggle with her son seemed to go on interminably.
"The inexorable process of 'ethnic cleansing' is under way without anyone being able to bring it to a halt."
Now the inexorable process of temperature equalization had begun.
It was as if she had tried to halt some inexorable process of nature, half finished.
Would a token Navy force suffice, or would there be an inexorable process of escalation?
The steady inexorable process of exploitation, with great cost to the environment, has gone on and on.
Few ever see the disease itself, untreated - the inexorable process of human tissue destroying itself that finally laid Charlie low.
As in so many other fields, there will be a what he called "the inexorable process of specialization."