Especially for parents, whose movie, popcorn and babysitter costs easily exceed $50, many better, inexpensive options abound.
It can be a flexible, inexpensive option for transmitting documents.
So a few questions- what are some fun, relatively inexpensive options for things to do during the day?
Nowadays there are even more inexpensive options available.
Rest assured, however, that there are inexpensive options, too.
Most would like to see it widened, an inexpensive option.
These are inexpensive options, ranging from $20 to about $60.
But are Web conferencing options inexpensive enough to be worth considering?
But the general point I think is an important one, which is to say that there was no inexpensive option at all.
On the banks of the Eure, an inexpensive option starting at around €75 (£60) for a double.