Electronics makers market products like inexpensive printers to get consumers to buy the expensive ink cartridges.
Hewlett-Packard sells inexpensive printers and makes its profit on high-margin replacement ink cartridges that can cost half as much as the printer.
There are even some small, inexpensive good-quality printers that print only standard 4-by-6-inch prints, enabling you to save a little money on paper.
As technology becomes more sophisticated, counterfeiters now have easy access to fast and inexpensive digital printers and scanners.
One solution might be an inexpensive second printer.
Xerox Plans Ink-Jet Printer Alliance Xerox plans to give details next week about an alliance to make inexpensive ink-jet printers for small and home offices.
This opened the computer graphing and mapping market to the wider arena of users with inexpensive commercial printers.
This put a big performance burden on the CPU, but resulted in an inexpensive (for the time) printer.
Peripherals included an inexpensive printer and a very unusual quad phi-deck cassette tape system for storing programs and data.
Such flaws are nothing compared with the ragged lines produced by inexpensive dot-matrix printers, but they are still slightly annoying.