And second, the manufacturers of inexpensive domestic remote-control systems.
Choices range from comparatively inexpensive portable systems to custom installations.
Many people may be willing to climb the learning curve to get an inexpensive, modern system that can run on older machines and rarely crashes.
Thousands of such small, relatively inexpensive systems have been built over the past five decades.
This inexpensive, fast and comprehensive system has proven to be very popular, and there are nearly 300,000 registered users.
If you're trying to build an inexpensive system, we've got your answer: the Budget Box.
But the proliferation of inexpensive microprocessor-based systems has made such export controls unworkable.
He has developed a simple, inexpensive system of disinfecting polluted water with ultraviolet light.
You need an inexpensive system that is easy to use, always within reach and easy to peruse.
Some inexpensive systems dispense with the level 2 cache altogether.