Those private, for-profit electronic systems used inexpensive technology to take away a significant share of Nasdaq's trading volume.
Spark printing was a simple and inexpensive technology.
Personal computer instant messengers have become popular and inexpensive technologies by which to deliver emergency communications to broad or specific audiences in a short period of time.
There are also various inexpensive plastic-based technologies under development in small companies and laboratories around the world.
After founding an independent conservative student paper in college, O'Keefe began to use available, inexpensive technology to make videos.
There are some effective, relatively inexpensive technologies for dioxin control that can be applied to older facilities, which constitute the lion's share of the emissions.
Relatively inexpensive new technology could also be integrated with existing equipment to keep pace with battlefield requirements at an affordable cost.
But if it is a simple, inexpensive technology, they should have it.
By the 1990s, fast, inexpensive technologies began to emerge.
The company uses relatively inexpensive technology, which is wireless but not mobile.