The products dreamed up by local engineers will be produced inexpensively down South or, even better, in the Far East, he said.
They also don't design what can't be inexpensively produced, which made them instantly attractive to companies like Crate & Barrel and Target.
Instead the function receives a reference to the smart pointer which is produced inexpensively.
Royal laid the Milton aside, knelt beside his messmate, fanned out three inexpensively produced pamphlets.
Gutenberg is widely credited with inventing a system of moveable type that eventually allowed books to be produced quickly and inexpensively, increasing literacy across the world.
These packs are generally produced inexpensively.
He specialized in publishing for preschool children, including alphabet, counting and Mother Goose books that incorporated the work of talented artists but were inexpensively produced.
As the substrate used can be flexible such as PET, the displays may be produced inexpensively.
In this way, several different colors can be produced inexpensively from a single glowing tube.
"And it can be inexpensively produced."