An alarm bell might go off in the mind of even an inexperienced investor when he hears the words "sure thing."
What's more, horse partnerships are lightly regulated, compared with, say, mutual funds, and inexperienced investors may be easy prey for fraud.
These often inexperienced investors have been told that every decline is just a chance to pick up a bargain.
Among the complaints were that the loosening of investment protections would expose small and inexperienced investors to fraud.
The answer will be important not just to her, but also to the legions of relatively inexperienced investors who hang on her every word.
Analysts are also wondering how the hordes of relatively inexperienced investors will respond if the long bull market suddenly turns down sharply.
This takes time to acquire and there are many pitfalls for the inexperienced investor.
Two brothers with their own online investment club reveal ways for inexperienced investors to prosper during the information revolution.
But with greater numbers of inexperienced investors and higher prices for deals, the odds are increasing that more of these transactions will run into trouble.
Negative amortization loans can be high risk loans for inexperienced investors.