They were considered an inexperienced squad (their captains being the only seniors) coming into the season.
In some cases, unqualified coaches and inexperienced squads were attempting dangerous stunts as a result of these expanded sets of rules.
Being kicked out of the tournament early, the young and inexperienced Ethiopian squad faced a more uncertain future.
The team had never qualified for a final series and had a relatively inexperienced squad.
Hardly the kind of sentiment to galvanise an inexperienced squad a few weeks before its departure for an eight-match tour to New Zealand.
Drinks is doing a lot of teaching now with his inexperienced squad.
It was a victory Rettino didn't think his inexperienced and undersized squad could pull off.
Last season three of the Eagles' top players left school to start pro careers, leaving behind a young, inexperienced squad.
The young inexperienced squad performed well but were soundly beaten.
Chris himself is still in college - at 19, he's the youngest member of America's inexperienced squad.