It not only gives the inexperienced teacher an opportunity to build up confidence, it also gets children used to role play being taken seriously.
Probably a brand-new, inexperienced teacher can expect $20,000 or maybe $22,000, depending on the geographic area.
Is it right that a year 7 pupil should have so many inexperienced teachers?
In small schools, social studies courses are more likely to be taught by young, inexperienced teachers, the study says.
It is a negative trend that creates schools filled with new and inexperienced teachers.
Used by inexperienced teachers who are weak in math, they say, the curriculum can be murky.
Stanley took a huge risk employing such an inexperienced teacher.
The class was being led by an inexperienced teacher who had been having problems maintaining order.
It also hopes to eliminate the risk of poor instruction by inexperienced teachers (Lee).
His teacher, energetic but inexperienced, suggested that we enroll him in special education so he could get occupational therapy.