There are times now when Mrs. Lemily's mind starts to glaze at the 800th parental account of inexplicable anger.
Philippe Pinel referred to this as 'manie sans délire' - insanity without delusion - and described a number of cases mainly involving excessive or inexplicable anger or rage.
He dropped her hand, fighting his sudden, inexplicable anger.
Sam sat there, stunned by his old friend's inexplicable anger.
Her joy was stolen momentarily by an urge to sink the blade deeper, a sudden, inexplicable anger focused directly on Drizzt.
She kept remembering the wedding feast, James's remote and inexplicable anger, the odd tension in his face.
The inexplicable anger that had sent him marching into the morning air had been building for months.
There was an insane, inexplicable anger in their ferocity.
The news caused me an inexplicable anger.
Contempt was more distressing than her inexplicable anger.