New or recharged batteries suddenly go dead, or the equipment inexplicably stops working.
But while choking her, he inexplicably stopped and let her go.
Then the fermentation inexplicably stopped when there was 2 to 3 percent sugar left.
Predictably, five minutes later, the port engine inexplicably stopped.
If the exhibition inexplicably stops in 1970, the outcome of the story can be seen in any fashion magazine today.
In the last 10 years alone, 45,000 infants in America have died after their breathing suddenly and inexplicably stopped during sleep.
Photography inexplicably and illogically stops time, which everyone knows cannot be stopped.
Mr. Wilson had received $129 every month in food stamps for more years than he can remember when, last year, the benefit inexplicably stopped.
There they were well housed and fed for two days before the food inexplicably stopped arriving.
But in recent weeks, as his garbled vocabulary grew, that word inexplicably stopped coming.