Here was a team with a plus-20 turnover ratio during the season that inexplicably turned careless.
Flailing at the air where he'd been, she struck out at the switch to turn off the PA that had suddenly inexplicably turned itself on.
As she took her seat, Eden found her thoughts turning inexplicably to the first day of her honeymoon.
They therefore hate the West for inexplicably turning on them.
Then, one warm summer night, it had suddenly and inexplicably turned white while he slept.
The residents of a large town are inexplicably turning into rhinoceroses.
And there was a rushing sound - water, from the bathroom shower inexplicably turned at full blast.
He is a man, and men turn inexplicably strange when in the presence of a wenda such as Terril.
The town's bad boys are busy building a robot called Robocrusher, which inexplicably turns into a British nanny.
McGuire then turned inexplicably into a matrimonial sage: "I got married 44 years ago.