So if the numbers are not an infallible guide to good stainless steel cutlery, what is?
Aside from cynicism (which has been an almost infallible guide to administration environmental policy so far), how do I reach that conclusion?
But even that is not an infallible guide, he added.
Their practice, together with the Qur'an, constituted a seemingly infallible guide to life.
Spending is not an infallible guide to results or intentions.
Both of the latter expressed reservations about the idea that engineers are infallible guides to paradise.
There are no infallible guides, no accurate maps, to the territory of the heart.
In fact, the skin was a nearly infallible guide to this type of lymphoma.
But beyond this strengthening of character and judgment, history offers no infallible guide to success, no formula for every circumstance, no short cut to wisdom.
Nevertheless, an almost infallible guide to current media usage.