It is also an infallible means of discovering that which he wishes to hide.
A good means for effecting that- an almost infallible means, indeed- is to try to prove his victim to be in the wrong.
'However,' he added, 'I know an infallible means of procuring your happiness.'
In 1793 Bertuch himself defined this art business in a magazine as being "an infallible means of encouraging German industry and spreading food and prosperity among us".
He and Lewis were supposed to have an infallible means of secret communication - the only two Shipmen so gifted.
He had early on discovered that the infallible means of making anything irresistibly attractive was to deny it to Kitty Godolphin.
Also, when I have a mind to visit the depths of the ocean five or six mlles below the surface, I make use of slower but not less infallible means.
The university of Coimbra decides that this "great ceremony was an infallible means of preventing the earth from quaking."
A sure and infallible means, that will as certainly dispatch him into eternity as the hunter's tiny bullet slays the proudest stag.
They had, as we had found with Ruki, an apparently infallible means of sensing anything in their food or drink which could be injurious.