"Yes," said Aramis, "through an infamous act of treason."
He carried out his most infamous act to save the innocent.
"It was simply an infamous act that even the toughness of the political game cannot justify," Mattarella later said about the accusation.
Since this infamous act is more recent, Mr. Arafat might have thought it would be too fresh in our memory.
Following their nominations, Shannon made the now infamous act of taking Hardy's toothbrush and scrubbing the toilet with it.
One of his more infamous acts was to issue the Babel Proclamation in 1918.
His most infamous act came in 1970, when his organization blew up three airliners after parking them in Jordan's desert.
"You have performed an infamous act, which you shall regret."
The most infamous act of Tyler's career occurred on Friday November 30, 1992.
After escaping he chose the life of a highwayman and a number of bloody and infamous acts made his name well-known.