In most adaptations and references to the Wicked Witch of the East, it is usually in her infamous appearance, under a house, with only her feet exposed.
Shortly after the incident, on July 15, The Kinks made an infamous appearance at the White City Stadium.
Perhaps the most infamous appearance of the "Necronomicon" in cult film circles is "The Evil Dead" series.
The band made an infamous appearance on the March 18, 1996 Rockline radio broadcast, where they performed acoustically.
He immediately became visible on television with his witty statements and some unprecedented and infamous appearances in A-list events.
They also had an infamous second appearance at "Chibugan Na" where their a frenetic and un-sync performance on their recorded single won applause from the alternative rock scene.
Then came the infamous Wogan appearance.
During an infamous appearance on the TV show Yo!
It also includes the sound track from the band's infamous appearance on Lulu's television show in 1969.
In the summer, he sweated in an infamous public appearance and seemed immature.