The highly anticipated Pop Life opens this weekend, taking as its premise Andy Warhol's infamous comment that "good business is the best art".
The last few weeks Republican advertisements have appeared, showing Mr. Clinton making his now infamous comments about realizing belatedly that he had raised taxes too much.
Cho made his infamous comment during this time.
In his ruling, Holmes made his infamous comment, "Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
Nancy Pelosi's infamous comment that Congress would "have to pass the bill so that we find...
From an infamous comment in the context-switching code of the V6 UNIX kernel.
On television, her most infamous comments were on the NTV show Gourmet Chicken Race: Gochi!
On a side note, what would have happened had glenn hoddle not made his infamous comments.
Regarding his draft position, Daigle uttered the now infamous comment, "I'm glad I got drafted first, because no one remembers number two".
Unwelcome as Vietnam analogies are right now, it's hard to ignore the resemblance to that infamous military comment about having to destroy a village in order to save it.