This sketch contains the infamous scene of an alcohol-affected Mick urinating on the set, with his back to camera.
The party will kick off at the Colonial Theater, the setting for the film's most infamous scene.
This sets off one of the film's most infamous scenes, in which she breaks his ankles with a sledgehammer to stop him from escaping.
There's an infamous scene in the Godfather where a movie producer turns down a 'reasonable' request from the Don.
Kristi and Nick chase him to a storage area where, in an infamous scene, the three do battle, mostly through hand-to-hand combat.
The story was also featured on the cover with one of Brundage's most infamous 'whipping' scenes.
This was due mainly to the infamous fetus-eating scene.
One of the most infamous scenes in the book witnesses Charlie being forced to cut off his own finger - and then cook and eat it!
The most infamous scene in the movie occurs when a gang member, without hesitation, shoots and kills a little girl standing near an ice-cream truck.