Jayakanthan is infamously known for his arrogance and his multi-dimensional personality.
It is also infamously known as a typical garment in the stereotypical caricature of a pimp.
The other was the Interim Committee for Political Discussion - more infamously known as the '79 Group.
The incident has become infamously known as the Golden Dragon massacre.
Known infamously as the site of a 20th-century beerhouse, the prestige of the church has decreased significantly over the years.
Without it, you fall firmly into the category of what are now infamously known as subprime borrowers.
Infamously known as a "hell world," the planet's climate is so severe that the "mortality rate among new prisoners is higher than sixty per cent."
The event was infamously known as the Phoenix Park Murders.
It is infamously known for being hacked into by a group of hackers who were then able to intercept the bureau's internal network.
It was infamously known for a subtitling error towards the end of the episode.