Along with his student Mary Ainsworth he studied infant behaviour, and developed what he called attachment theory.
As a consequence, he and his mother are deprived of nursing, grooming, and other mother and infant behaviors.
Concrete physiological data is helpful when observing infant behavior, because infants cannot verbally express their reactions.
The tips my colleagues and I offer on infant behavior, however, must be recognized as mere guideposts rather than exact road maps to specific destinations.
She was reverting to infant behaviour.
There are several accepted techniques that may be used successfully to help manage and develop infant behaviour.
One study looked specifically at neurological damage and infant behavior in 66 low-birth-weight infants from intact middle-class families.
Babies born to women who ate PCB-contaminated fish also showed abnormal responses in tests of infant behavior.
The loss of this normal infant behavior is one of the signs that the baby is ready to begin eating baby food.
I have a great deal of essential data on infant behavior that I am using as control material.