Variations in infant nutrition are linked to obesity risk and the timing of menarche.
As a paediatrician he dealt with issues of infant nutrition, campaigned for the establishment of children's homes and crèches.
Proponents say "breast is best" for infant nutrition and that the dangers of contaminated water make the use of formula too risky.
There is also a "Plunket" centre, which offers support and information of different parenting issues from breastfeeding to infant nutrition.
Camerer is remembered for his studies involving infant nutrition, psychophysics and the metabolism of children.
A new study from Northwestern University draws a connection between gender differences and infant nutrition.
The lipids that matter from infant nutrition to insulin resistance.
His field of interest is biomedical research, nutritional surveillance, trace elements in health and disease and infant nutrition.
Provides links to resources to support mothers and promote optimal infant nutrition.
Breast milk is clearly best, the gold standard of infant nutrition.