In Central Africa, HIV infects men and women equally.
It infects most men who touch it with a reckless greed.
"No, I'm almost positive that particular disease only infects men and my limited experience has shown that women, while unaffected by it, have their own special variant when the proper setting is provided."
A16 Woman claims she is trying to infect men with AIDS A16 The political furor grows over House members who bounced checks in the House bank in the past year.
In this episode, Angel investigates a wave of violence against women throughout Los Angeles, caused by Billy's ability to infect men with murderous misogyny.
There are about 30 variants of the virus that commonly infect men and women.
"It infects men and doesn't kill them, is that what you mean?"
Magic is somehow spreading through the mortal world, infecting regular men, women and children.