Thousands more who have hepatitis C or who were infected before 1986 are demanding Government assistance.
Patient records reportedly show that at least some of the children were infected either before or after the six foreign medical workers were on the scene.
Almost all children in the U.S. are likely to be infected with rotavirus before their 5th birthday.
Other types of antibodies would indicate that the woman was infected before pregnancy.
For infants who are infected by their mothers before birth, two potential adverse scenarios exist:
If bird flu ever gained the ability to spread easily among humans, that patient would have infected thousands before diagnosis.
Federal health officials estimate that 12,000 transfusion recipients may have been infected with the virus before the development of a screening test.
Tragically, many children will be infected before birth.
Some were infected from blood transfusions in the years before the early 1990's, when a blood test for the virus was developed and came into use.
Subclinical disease occurs in chickens infected before three weeks of age.