The research has concluded that the offspring of the infected sheep are more able to survive scrapie.
One case, mad cow disease, is generally believed to result from cows being fed the ground-up bodies of infected sheep.
Mr. Brown also said it had been difficult or impossible to track the movements of infected sheep because of unrecorded animal sales.
The businessmen are soon slaughtered by the infected sheep.
A single infected sheep could literally spend years contaminating other animals, possi-bly moving through several flocks, before the infection was discovered.
For instance, anthrax cases among World War I aviators were traced to a natural source, helmets lined with wool from infected sheep.
This parasite is responsible for anemia, bottle jaw, and death of infected sheep and goats, mainly during summer months in warm, humid climates.
Prophylactic administration of amprolium or salinomycin also protected experimentally infected sheep.
Only elevation of eosinophils and slight increase of γ-globulins were observed in experimentally infected sheep.
Have we finally sorted the problem of infected sheep?