Because of it's infectious nature, it is suggested by security experts that the best defense against this virus is to prevent an infection.
Yet the affecting lack of pretension and infectious good nature of the show prove ultimately winning.
At the time, I knew nothing about the infectious nature of panic.
Out under the pale blue sky, the Old Duke laughed easily, beaming with infectious good nature.
Their laughter made them seem somehow more approachable and human, while its infectious nature seemed to brighten her own dark mood.
The demon is an abstraction or approximation of germs and their infectious nature.
Still, the Chinese leadership has taken great pains to try to limit the infectious nature of change in Eastern Europe.
Because of the highly infectious nature of the disease, strict quarantine is necessary when outbreaks occur.
"Plague" refers to the contagious, infectious nature and the difficulty of resisting it.
A creature smooth and cool to the touch, a shape-shifter, passionately venomous, its nature infectious.