As Sunshine continues to work for him, her infectious optimism begins to grow on Yaxin and he starts to fall in love with her.
This does tend to offer a vaccine against Hawkins' otherwise infectious optimism.
"A veritable genetic golden age," she suggested, finding Takagi's optimism and enthusiasm surprisingly infectious.
He was known for his unwavering confidence and infectious optimism.
But he still had that boyish smile, sharp wit and infectious optimism that I'd fallen in love with twenty-five years before.
He is a commanding figure with a booming voice and an infectious optimism, known to shout "This is genius!"
Then there was Schiano and his infectious optimism.
He will be remembered for his infectious optimism and many contributions to American music.
His good heart and infectious optimism had helped Leto through the darkest times after the Old Duke's death.
There was one constant: whatever Mr. Kramer did, he retained his infectious optimism.