It was not long before the infectious rhythm was spreading throughout the ranks.
What remains is an infectious rhythm and a driving bass beat.
It is full of haunting tunes, infectious rhythms, charged syncopations and, at least as turned out here, piquant instrumentation.
Menolly knew the song, which had such an infectious rhythm that she began to sing before she realized why it was so familiar.
It would be wonderful, one can't help thinking, to have some of these designs, with their infectious rhythms and rich, grayed colors, made into rugs (Johnson).
THE infectious rhythm of Latin music has created salsa-dancing aficionados across the globe.
Despite an infectious rhythm the song has sad and poignant lyrics.
All seemed drawn by the infectious rhythm carried on the wind from the main stage tent.
Murvin's soaring voice and the infectious rhythm made "Police and Thieves" into an international hit during the summer of that year.
Dance to the infectious rhythms of the country's world-famous musicians.