I saw an infinite abyss.
Across a seemingly infinite abyss, tens of thousands of stars gleamed in magnificent serenity.
The infinite abyss seemed to have swallowed them all whole.
You felt as though your ship and all on it were falling headlong through an infinite abyss.
Once they laid hands on my head, and for a moment I whirled off into infinite abysses.
Only the zotl and one hundred and thirty billion light years separated them, obstacles which seemed small beside the infinite abyss of death.
He was tumbling through an infinite abyss.
I heard weird wire-edged shrieks that went tumbling away as though the sound was falling through an infinite abyss.
The vengeance of the infinite abysses... That cursed, that damnable pit... Merciful gods of earth, I am falling into the sky!
Chapter 8 UP from the black infinite abyss of sleep shot the arch- priest Goniface.