Recession is a normal part of the business cycle (unless you believe in infinite growth in a world of finite resources).
However, in 2009 Dean Hickerson found diagonally-expanding patterns that eventually settle down into high-period infinite growth, solving the open problem.
And so what happens if investors start to question their visions of infinite growth?
Smaller patterns were later found that also exhibit infinite growth.
The logical impossibility of infinite growth within a finite system (the Earth) is the real problem here.
So long as we have an economic paradigm predicated upon infinite growth within a finite system, surely this can be the only outcome?
To continue evacuating a chamber indefinitely without requiring infinite growth, a compartment of the vacuum can be repeatedly closed off, exhausted, and expanded again.
Measuring the 'inefficiency of anything' at the margins of infinite growth is a mathematical absurdity.
The thing about the singularity concept is that it hinges on infinite exponential growth.
"You cannot strive for infinite growth."