Where was to be found the truth in this vast universe of infinite skies and stars?
Finally he turned so he could look out the window at the cold, infinite sky.
I opened my eyes, and stared up into an infinite, pale blue sky, in which there was a familiar noise: planes.
Either way, the broad expanse of endless horizon and infinite sky takes up roughly half the state.
A wave of vertigo, as if they were all falling together through an infinite sky.
The bare landscapes and the infinite skies were an unmistakable inspiration.
The dishes seemed to glow, silver and white, as they peered up hopefully into an impenetrable, infinite sky.
And then a few stars rose from the darkness, sparkling on a clearer black of infinite dark sky.
Deep in that infinite sky, he knew, new stars were being born and old ones torn apart by titanic explosions.
I drew on my cigarette, looking out at the sea and at the infinite blue sky above it.