Awareness turned over at the thought of all those stars above him - an infinite volume.
All of these expansions are valid in finite volume, (though the expansion is the only one valid in infinite volume.)
Conversely, if k is zero or negative, the Universe may have infinite volume, depending on its overall topology.
If the potential energy for interaction of infinitely distant particles vanishes, the fourier transformed operators in infinite volume create states which are noninteracting.
An infinite volume contained within a finite circumference.
In the limit of infinite volume these internal pressures reach the value of zero:
In an infinite volume, he pointed out, anything that can happen will happen.
In this case, large computational resources are needed to be sure the correct limit of infinite volume (smaller lattice spacing) is obtained.
Does the universe have infinite volume?
The converse phenomenon of Gabriel's horn - a surface of revolution with has a finite surface area but a infinite volume - cannot occur: