Life, infinitely tiny, had been created.
I went to an infinitely tiny school in southwestern Pennsylvania, Washington & Jefferson College.
He seemed to shrink away into apace, infinitely tiny, infinitely unwanted.
The wind shook the stout shutter covering the window, and filtered infinitely tiny particles of snow into the room, to vanish instantly.
The universe turned in on itself, swallowing the Hermes whole and pulling it back into existence through an infinitely tiny hole.
But throughout all the sample he saw certain infinitely tiny crystals.
An infinitely tiny sound came from where the beacon's plastic recording went round and round under a magnetic pickup.
There was an infinitely tiny sound in the main control room.
Sofia wore unrelieved black; she looked infinitely tiny, like a jewel in a velvet case, and he held out his hands to her.
Some of the faces were huge and some were infinitely tiny.