They seemed to be infinitely wise, and knowing, and deeply self-contained in their malevolence.
Surely the Sopho-techs, infinitely wise, would not simply stand by and let him die?!
An African American with skin the color of coffee, she had brown eyes that looked infinitely wise and also skeptical.
This seems, in Maupertuis's view, a more powerful argument for the existence of an infinitely wise creator than any other that can be advanced.
Juan Cadiz could neither read nor write, beyond the signing of his name, but he was infinitely wise in a matter of this sort.
Yes, it is beautiful and infinitely wise and just.
This choice would be by an infinitely wise creator, who would have chosen the best possible world.
I think it a very good argument to say,- the infinitely wise God hath made it so; and therefore it is best.
To Wang-mu, the godspoken were the privileged elite, infinitely wise and unapproachable.
The performances are wonderful: warm and infinitely wise.