Arthritis medication can offer relief to those who suffer from the pain and stiffness caused by inflamed joints.
For short-term relief (weeks to months) in inflamed joints.
Corticosteroid shots into inflamed joints can relieve pain and increase function for some people.2 This relief may last from weeks to months.
Although they move into all tissues within the horse, they are found in highest concentrations in inflamed joints.
Hot and cold packs can relieve inflamed joints.
Treating inflamed or painful joints with heat or ice packs helps some people feel better.
This condition causes inflamed, swollen joints that are often stiff and painful.
People suffering from inflamed joints typically start with self-treatment.
It may also be injected into inflamed joints resulting from diseases such as gout.
The pain can be so severe that a blanket, clothing or even a breeze across the inflamed joint can seem unbearable.