The release of such inflammatory charges creates an environment that undermines President Clinton's ability to make a decision.
The press was not as interested in the "we lied" correction as it had been in the original inflammatory (and false) charge.
And if the Administration continues to oppose the legislation as creating quotas, it had better offer evidence, not just inflammatory charges.
The initial report issued by the Department of Health contained numerous, inflammatory charges that were completely without any basis in fact.
The case is complicated by the inflammatory charges of a certain black minister who has very publicly latched onto the issue.
"I implore you," she wrote, to stop making "false and inflammatory" charges.
A spiral of inflammatory charges threatened to escalate.
There's nothing new in wartime about exaggerated claims of success, or inflammatory charges of enemy atrocities.
These do not sound like the inflammatory charges that citizens make when teams from small towns become involved in sports playoffs.
The story had probably been sensationalized along the way, and many agreed that these were inflammatory charges with only hearsay evidence.