This can usually be treated with topical antifungal cream, along with a topical hydrocortisone for the inflammatory component.
The bursa grows back in place after a couple of weeks but without any inflammatory component.
Symptomatically it differs from biliary colic by the presence of an inflammatory component (fever, increased white cell count).
Recent histological evidence has implicated an inflammatory component of carotidynia, but studies are limited.
This approach has been extended by some to include all cases of PML, including those with little or no demonstrable inflammatory component.
Asthma is hyperreactivity of the bronchi with an inflammatory component, often in response to allergens.
Although much research has been done since, the inflammatory component of asthma was recognized only in the 1960s.
"Diabetes has a strong inflammatory component, which leads to a much greater risk of developing heart disease," Bibus explains.
Vitamin A deficiency causes an increase in inflammatory responses, and anti-inflammatory drugs work specifically by inhibiting normal inflammatory components.
Reactive gastropathy is morphologically distinct entity that can be separated from gastritis, which by definition has a significant inflammatory component.