Liyah's mother, whom neighbors identified as Nelise Hampton, 21, told investigators that she had started a bath for the girl, placing her in an inflatable device.
A perineal dilator is an inflatable bubble-like device used to prepare women for the experience of childbirth.
He obtained a US patent for the inflatable device on June 3, 1986, performing his first operation the same month.
They are large inflatable devices comprising a long tube attached to a fan which causes the tube to move in a dancing or flailing motion.
As an alternative to surgery, Dr. Summitt suggested using a pessary, a rigid or inflatable device that resembles a diaphragm, to lift a sagging bladder.
Two years later the school decided to introduce more inflatable devices such as The Simpsons and Smackdown vs. Raw bouncy castles thus adopting the name Funday.
Noninflatable implants and inflatable devices can last indefinitely.
In the HUB Airtrim scuba diving stab jacket, "Airlock" refers to an inflatable device used to secure the air cylinder.
But they believed it could be cleared through angioplasty, a relatively routine and painless procedure that uses an inflatable balloonlike device to clear coronary clogs.