I know your inflated sense of self makes you think that since aren't concerned about an issue others must not be as well.
"The organization had a board in disarray and an inflated sense of self-importance."
You seem to have an inflated sense of an educator's power.
"I don't have an inflated sense of what a movie can do," she said.
"I'm beginning to have a very inflated sense of my value to the company."
Even in junior tennis with all the attention, money, media, television and travel, it is easy to get an inflated sense of personal importance.
Instead, they often become cold or even enraged when a therapist fails to play along with their inflated sense of themselves.
They do, however, have an inflated sense of self and an enormous need for recognition.
Polls taken right after a convention offer an inflated sense of a candidate's standing.
He has lived a privileged life, and always suffered from an inflated sense of worth.