In addition, Brazil's economic zigzags and high inflation have caused domestic wine consumption to stumble.
Driving stocks lower at the start of trading was concern that inflation would accelerate and cause interest rates to rise further.
Then the cosmic inflation blasting those particles out apparently caused small clumps to start and become big ones.
Increasing inflation and other factors caused countries to be unwilling to fund social development programs to help the poor.
The danger would be that excess demand and inflation would cause the trade deficit to worsen.
However, inflation caused problems with that plan.
The study also does not address why low inflation may cause higher productivity.
Traders said investors were still worried that inflation would accelerate and cause fixed-income investments to lose value.
During the late 1970s, inflation and the ensuing recession caused interest rates to soar.
In 1996, high inflation caused the introduction of 1, 5 and 10 dollars coins.