Regardless of personal preference, millions of Russian families will not be able to survive without two incomes, as inflation grows.
Throughout austerity unemployment remained high, and inflation grew as of 1951.
The reports said inflation grew faster than expected, industrial production slowed in July and home construction took a slight breather.
However, inflation has grown this year at a 5.4 percent annual rate, far swifter than the 1.1 percent rise for all of last year.
At the March-April rate, inflation would grow this year by about 5 percent.
Throughout the 1960s, Burma's foreign exchange reserves (to $50 million by 1971, from $214 million in 1964) steadily declined, while inflation grew.
In fact, whilst some economic areas, especially the transport system, did improve in 1945, inflation grew worse.
Foreign debt, inflation and the wealth gap between north and south all grew.
Production did not increase, monetary inflation grew out of hand, and a modern capitalist economic structure was not achieved.
The Phillips curve - an economic relationship which shows that inflation grows as unemployment shrinks, and vice versa - would suggest the answer is yes.