Tariffs increased by 46% in inflation-adjusted terms during the first nine years after privatization.
Annual military spending has risen more than 70 percent in inflation-adjusted terms since 2001.
At the time, households received $100 to $200, roughly similar to the current rebates in inflation-adjusted terms.
Further, over the course of the 80's, the price of home heating oil fell by nearly half, in inflation-adjusted terms.
Consider the following: *The price of driving a car has never been lower, in inflation-adjusted terms.
"By 2042, people will be making 40 percent more than they are today, in real inflation-adjusted terms, according to the trustees' own projections," he said.
The implication of all these figures is that consumer spending, in inflation-adjusted terms, turned positive for the first time since last summer.
Between 1976 and 1990 the paid fare had declined approximately thirty percent in inflation-adjusted terms.
As a result of such notions, prices for books in inflation-adjusted terms have remained flat over the last decade.
And oil prices have slipped, in inflation-adjusted terms, back to where they stood in 1974.