Some might fear inflationary consequences if gold assets are used to increase international liquidity.
During Nicholson's administration this was done several times, but the inflationary consequences did not reach crisis proportions until after he left the colony.
This increases the domestic money supply with possibly inflationary consequences.
After an election, this policy has to be reversed to avoid the likely inflationary consequences.
The decline in the dollar also has inflationary consequences because it makes imports more expensive.
So we expect a tax cut and massive increases in government spending that may have inflationary consequences.
Congress then will have to raise taxes, cut spending or accept the inflationary consequences.
That performance does make it possible for the Fed to cut rates without worrying much about inflationary consequences.
They cannot be expected to consider the inflationary consequences of their commercial activities.
As we will see in Chapter 18, they may then form the basis for a multiple expansion of bank deposits (money), with perhaps inflationary consequences.